Campo formativo: Lenguaje
Fase 6 - Inglés en Educación Secundaria
First grade
Content 9:
Word games
Word games
Lesson plan
Introduction (10 mins.) First, T hangs a set of pictures of board games on the board. Next, T elicits the names of the games and vocabulary related to board games (e.g., dice, cards, board, pieces). T invites volunteers to come to the board and write their names. T ask Ss some questions about the games. Word games:
T hands out a worksheet to each S and asks them to match the descriptions with the games. After that, Ss match vocabulary related to word games with the images. Finally Ss read a set of instructions and identify the name of each word game. Ss checks their answers in pairs before feedback. Consolidation (10 mins.) T assigns each team a word game and asks Ss to adapt it to learn English. Ss work together in their teams to brainstorm ideas on how to modify the game to incorporate English learning elements. Each team prepares a brief presentation outlining their proposed modifications, including how the game will help improve English skills such as vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation. Teams present their adapted word games to the class, explaining the rules and objectives, as well as how they integrate English learning components. After each presentation, the class engages in a discussion, providing feedback and suggestions for improvement on each adaption. Conclusion (10 mins.) T invites Ss to discuss how some word games can be adapted to learn English. Homework: From a list of words, make two new words by adding a letter at the end and at the beginning for each word. Introduction (5 mins.) T writes on the board 2 headings (regular and irregular verbs) and asks Ss for verbs for each category. T gives Ss examples and a brief explanation of each type. T writes on the board their examples. Development (20 mins.) Ss use their dictionaries or student book to find more verbs and add them to the lists. T invites volunteer to come to the front of the class and read aloud their lists. Ss take notes. After that, T hands out a worksheet to each S and asks them to classify a list of verbs. Ss check their answers in pairs before feedback. Consolidation (15 mins.) Ss solve a crossword. T checks Ss’ answers and provide feedback. Conclusion (10 mins.) T prepares index cards with verbs and invites Ss to take turns to pick up a card. Ss read the verb out loud and decide if it is regular or irregular verb and drop in the box that corresponds. If Ss have no elements to classify the verbs, T exposes them to examples where they deduce the type of verb that is. |