English materials for
Secondary school in México
Secondary school in México
Second Grade
Unit 7
Lesson plan
Lesson plan | Videos | Worksheets & Handouts | PowerPoint presentations
Exercises for students | Project Ideas | Pop Quizzes & Exams
Exercises for students | Project Ideas | Pop Quizzes & Exams
Introduction (10 mins.) To generate interest in the topic, T asks Ss if they can remember anything when they were children. T puts Ss in pairs and asks Ss to talk about:
Development (20 mins.) T asks Ss if they have ever heard of an anecdote. T elicits from Ss what an anecdote is. Ss listen to an audio and answer the following questions:
A. Beginning B. Middle C. End 1. ( ) It’s the final comment about the story or how the things are now. 2. ( ) It gives the background to the story and explains how it started. 3. ( ) It tells the main events in order. Consolidation (15 mins.) Ss listen to an anecdote and number 5 images in the order they hear them. Ss listen again and put the story in order. Then, T asks Ss to identify the stages of that anecdote. Closure (5 mins.) T asks Ss what they have learned today. Then, T reads aloud to the class the achievements for this unit and encourages Ss to share their ideas about the meaning of each achievement. Ss say their expectations they have of the unit. Introduction (10 mins.) T hands out a group of 5 cutouts to each S. Ss have to identify and label each verb. Also, T encourages Ss to write the verb in past tense on their notebooks. Development (25 mins.) T has Ss silent read a conversation between two friends, discuss it, then do a choral read. After that, T encourages them to identify whether six statements are true or false. Now, T helps Ss to do a timeline about the conversation’s events. It has to include drawings and verbs in past tense. Consolidation (10 mins.) T asks Ss to do a timeline about what they did last weekend. Closure (5 mins.) T asks Ss the purpose and importance of timelines in order to retell events. Homework: Timeline - Anecdotes. Ss put events in chronological order. |
Introduction (10 mins.) T asks Ss to describe their morning routine before coming to school. T encourages Ss to use sequence words (first, then, after that, finally, etc.). Development (20 mins.) T hands out a worksheet to each S. First, T asks Ss to read the events of an anecdote, then T asks Ss to identify the sequence words (after that, then, next, later, in the end), and finally, Ss put the events in order (1-6). Ss use sequence words to complete 2 anecdotes. Consolidation (15 mins.) T asks Ss to write what they did after school yesterday on their notebooks. Ss have to use sequence words. Closure (5 mins.) Ss exchange notebooks with each other for written comments. Introduction (5 mins.) T introduces the past tense of the verb to be. T goes around the class and has Ss take turns saying where they were the previous day. T models questions like this:
Development (25 mins.) T provides Ss a lot of extended practice of the topic. T asks Ss to complete an anecdote with was and were. Next, Ss have to complete sentences with the correct form of the verb to be in past tense. And finally, Ss change affirmative sentences into negative. Consolidation (15 mins.) T asks Ss to write 5 sentences using what they have learned (was and were). Closure (5 mins.) Volunteers come to the front of the class and read their sentences aloud. |
Introduction (10 mins.) T writes on the board a list of set-the-scene sentences. Ss have to classify them in order to answer the following questions:
In pairs, Ss complete 5 anecdotes. Then, T asks Ss to read them carefully and discuss which one they like the most and why. T asks if anyone has experienced the same situation. Consolidation (15 mins.) Ss choose one of the anecdotes and try to rewrite it with their personal information. Ss have to add details to their set-the-scene sentences. Closure (10 mins.) In pairs, Ss asks each other about their stories. T asks some pairs to report back to the class about what they found out. Introduction (10 mins.) T shows images related to an anecdote. T elicits from the Ss the description of the images. T writes the title of the story on the board and elicits the relation between it and the images. T reviews the stages of the anecdote: beginning, middle, and end. Development (10 mins.) T brainstorms with the Ss the characters, the setting and main events of the story. T writes Ss’ ideas on the board. Ss take notes. T writes on the board a list of expressions that they could use in the story: at the beginning, what happened next was, after all this, to my surprise, in the end, finally, etc. Consolidation (20 mins.) T puts Ss into small teams and asks them to write a short anecdote about what they have discussed. Closure (10 mins.) Teams compare and contrast their anecdotes with other teams. |
Ss choose an interesting personal anecdotes to share. Ss make a timeline or flow chart to clarify the sequence of events. Ss create a monologue using the timeline. Ss add interesting information about the time, place, and way in which it occurred. Ss write a final version of the story. Ss write questions they may use to interact with classmates. Ss think about the body language they may use for telling the anecdote. Ss present their autobiographical anecdote to the rest of the class. |