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Exercise 1
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The main idea in the paragraph
Read each paragraph and identify the sentence that expresses the main idea.
- 1. The population of New Spain was divided into four main groups or castas. 2. This complex system of castas was used for social control and also determined a person’s importance in society. 3. There were four main categories of race: Peninsular, Creole, Indian, and Black.
- Sentence 1
- Sentence 2
- Sentence 3
- 1. José María Morelos became one of the greatest revolutionary military commanders of the war. 2. In his first nine months, he won 22 victories, annihilating the armies of three Spanish royalist leaders and dominating almost all of what is now the state of Guerrero. 3. He was able to capture most of the Spanish possessions on the Pacific coast of what are now Michoacán and Guerrero.
- Sentence 1
- Sentence 2
- Sentence 3
- 1. The royal government sent Agustín de Iturbide against Guerrero's forces but Guerrero was victorious against Iturbide. 2. Guerrero realized that Iturbide was a military stalemate and appealed to him to abandon his royalist loyalty and to join the fight for independence. 3. Guerrero and Iturbide allied under the Plan de Iguala and their forces merged as the Army of the Three Guarantees.
- Sentence 1
- Sentence 2
- Sentence 3
- 1. On September 16, 1810, a creole priest named Miguel Hidalgo rang his church’s bell and delivered a speech. 2. The Cry of Dolores called for the end of Spanish rule in Mexico and racial equality. 3. It also declared in favor of land reform for greater equality and death to bad government and the Gachupines.
- Sentence 1
- Sentence 2
- Sentence 3
- 1. Napoleon’s invasion and occupation of Spain from 1808 to 1813 heightened the revolutionary fervor in Mexico. 2. Also, the criollos (children of Spaniards born in American territory) were discriminated by a classification of the race. 3. The patriotism that developed in New Spain was a key aspect of programming and thinking about the idea of being independent. 4. All in all those were the principal causes of Mexico’s independence.
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- Sentence 2
- Sentence 3
- Sentence 4