Campo formativo: Lenguaje
Fase 6 - Inglés en Educación Secundaria
Second grade
Content 1:
Project Ideas
These guidelines for the project outline the key steps and strategies for implementation. However, they must be adapated and contextualized according to the unique challenges and opportunities of the community context or area.
Aprendizaje basado en proyectos comunitarios
Fase 1. Planeación
Momento 1. Identificación
The linguistic diversity and its forms of expression in Mexico and the world. Learning development process: Learners understand narrative and biographical texts in English about the daily life, forms of interaction, and behavior of speakers of various languages from Mexico and around the world in the past, and expresses it through graphic organizers, infographics or other forms of written and oral presentation. Problem:The lack of knowledge about the linguistic diversity of one's own country and others can lead to discrimination and cultural exclusion of those who speak minority or less common languages, which can result in the loss of cultural and social identity. Project: Anthology with mind maps.
Momento 2. Recuperación
Use open-ended questions to assess prior knowledge
These could be some questions:
Momento 3. Planificación
Set activities
Fase 2. Acción
Momento 4. Acercamiento
Research and collect legends
Look for stories that represent different regions, cultures, and historical backgrounds. Here's a list of Mexican legends:
Momento 5. Comprensión y producción
Organize the information for the anthology
1. Structure of the anthology
2. Structure of the mind maps
Create mind maps to visually represent the key elements of each legend. Use colors, icons, and images to illustrate characters, places, events, and important themes in the story.
Here's a list of branches:
Use different colors and fonts to differentiate between branches and sub-branches. This can make your mind map visually appealing and easier to follow.
3. Add visuals
Consider adding images or symbols related to each theme or character. This can help make your mind map more engaging and memorable. Momento 6. Reconocimiento
Responsability matrix
Create a matrix that identifies who is responsible for each specific task. This will help prevent confusion and ensure that all involved parties understand their expectations.
Momento 7. Concreción
Create the anthology
Fase 3. Intervención
Momento 8. Integración
Write a script for presenting the project
Good morning! Today, we're excited to take you on a magical journey through the rich world of Mexican legends!
Our anthology is called "Journey Through Mexican Legends," and we've selected some of the most fascinating stories to share with you. Let's start with our first legend, "La Llorona." This legend tells the story of a weeping woman who wanders near rivers, searching for her lost children. Next up, we have "El Chupacabra." This legend is about a creature that likes to suck the blood of livestock. .... Momento 9. Difusión
Present the project - Set date and time
Momento 10. Consideraciones
Gather feedback from the audience. Ask for their opinions, suggestions, and any questions they may have. This feedback can help you understand how well the anthology was received and identify areas for improvement.
Momento 11. Avances
Based on feedback and evaluation, make necessary revisions or updates to improve the anthology's effectiveness and align it with your objectives.