English materials for
Secondary school in México
Secondary school in México
Third Grade
Unit 1 - Syllabus 2011
Games for Language Learning and Ideas
Lesson plan | Games & Lead-ins | Worksheets & Handouts |PowerPoint presentations |
Exercises for students | Project Ideas | Pop Quizzes & Exams
Exercises for students | Project Ideas | Pop Quizzes & Exams
Language Learning Games
Game: Silent speaking - Hospital Type: Mainly vocabulary and spelling. Aim: To identify a word. Description: Speak a word silently to the class. 2
Game: Guest what I´m drawing - Hospital Type: Mainly vocabulary and spelling. Aim: To identify vocabulary. Description: Take a word card and draw it. 3
Game: What can you remember? - Hospital Type: Mainly vocabulary and spelling. Aim: To use memory skills with specific vocabulary. Description: Ask questions about a picture. |
This is a word search puzzle about health complaints. It's entertaining for students and also helps students develop word recognition skills.