Here are some other phrases that you can use instead of “I’m fine”
How are you?
- Fine. You?
- Very well, thank you.
- (I’m) good, thanks. You?
- (I'm) great, (thanks). And you?
- (I’m) pretty good. What’s new with you?
- Yeah! Good. You?
- Not bad. You?
- (I'm) alright. You?
- (I) can’t complain. You?
- Never better.
- Never been better. What about you?
- I am on top of the world!
- Over the moon!
Now, let’s look at some different ways to ask how someone is. These ways are much more common.
Hey, how’s it going?
- Good. And you?
- (It's going) pretty good.
- Not so good.
- Great.
- Not great.
- Not so well.
- Well, a bit tired/sick/sleepy.
- Things have been better.
- Things have been a bit rough lately, but they’re getting better.
What’s up?
- Not much.
- Nothing much.
- Hey! What’s up?
- Hi!
How do you do? / Howdy? (informal)
- How do you do?
- Hello.
- Nice to meet you.
How are you doing? / How ya doing? (informal)
- I’m doing great (thanks). How about you?
- Doing good. You?
- Doing pretty good. You?
- Doing well. You?
- I’m not doing that great.
- Not (doing) that great.
- Not (doing) so well.
How have you been? / How’ve you been?
- I’ve been doing great. What about you?
- Never been better.
- Could be better.
- Couldn't be better.
- Things have been better.
- Not so good lately.
- It’s been tough.
- I’ve been a bit sick.
- A little crazy actually!
- As usual.
- Pretty good. Work’s been busy.
- Busy, busy.
- I’ve been busy working.
- I've been a bit busy but ok.
- I've seen better days.